/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */
// namespace for the Ninja Canvas Runtime
var NinjaCvsRt = NinjaCvsRt || {};
//Loading webGL/canvas data
NinjaCvsRt.initWebGl = function (rootElement, directory) {
var cvsDataMngr, ninjaWebGlData = JSON.parse((document.querySelectorAll(['script[data-ninja-webgl]'])[0].innerHTML.replace('(', '')).replace(')', ''));
if (ninjaWebGlData && ninjaWebGlData.data) {
for (var n=0; ninjaWebGlData.data[n]; n++) {
ninjaWebGlData.data[n] = unescape(ninjaWebGlData.data[n]);
//Creating data manager
cvsDataMngr = new NinjaCvsRt.CanvasDataManager();
//Loading data to canvas(es)
cvsDataMngr.loadGLData(rootElement, ninjaWebGlData.data, directory);
// Class ShapeRuntime
// Manages runtime shape display
NinjaCvsRt.CanvasDataManager = function ()
this.loadGLData = function(root, valueArray, assetPath )
if (assetPath)
this._assetPath = assetPath.slice();
var value = valueArray;
var nWorlds = value.length;
for (var i=0; i<nWorlds; i++)
var importStr = value[i];
// there should be some version information in
// the form of 'v0.0;' Pull that off. (the trailing ';' should