path: root/FPGA/top/commande.bsf
diff options
authorPacien TRAN-GIRARD2014-06-15 15:28:10 +0200
committerPacien TRAN-GIRARD2014-06-15 15:28:10 +0200
commit4762ef9b7238f67d065775b752ebf51289c1f437 (patch)
treefb88da863e1bbc068d8258b285663013233ebe7b /FPGA/top/commande.bsf
parentfdd5c7e084529b2a09bed21aef44eb56e82075dc (diff)
Clean project
Diffstat (limited to 'FPGA/top/commande.bsf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/FPGA/top/commande.bsf b/FPGA/top/commande.bsf
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f329e..0000000
--- a/FPGA/top/commande.bsf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
2WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
3editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
4the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
7Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
8Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
9and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
10functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
11(including device programming or simulation files), and any
12associated documentation or information are expressly subject
13to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
14Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
15Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
16without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
17programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
18Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
19applicable agreement for further details.
21(header "symbol" (version "1.2"))
23 (rect 16 16 232 176)
24 (text "commande" (rect 5 0 67 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
25 (text "inst" (rect 8 145 25 156)(font "Arial" ))
26 (port
27 (pt 0 32)
28 (input)
29 (text "clk" (rect 0 0 17 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
30 (text "clk" (rect 21 27 38 40)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
31 (line (pt 0 32)(pt 16 32))
32 )
33 (port
34 (pt 0 48)
35 (input)
36 (text "resetn" (rect 0 0 35 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
37 (text "resetn" (rect 21 43 56 56)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
38 (line (pt 0 48)(pt 16 48))
39 )
40 (port
41 (pt 0 64)
42 (input)
43 (text "speed_user[1..0]" (rect 0 0 94 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
44 (text "speed_user[1..0]" (rect 21 59 115 72)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
45 (line (pt 0 64)(pt 16 64)(line_width 3))
46 )
47 (port
48 (pt 0 80)
49 (input)
50 (text "fan_auto_user" (rect 0 0 81 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
51 (text "fan_auto_user" (rect 21 75 102 88)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
52 (line (pt 0 80)(pt 16 80))
53 )
54 (port
55 (pt 0 96)
56 (input)
57 (text "alarm_user" (rect 0 0 63 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
58 (text "alarm_user" (rect 21 91 84 104)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
59 (line (pt 0 96)(pt 16 96))
60 )
61 (port
62 (pt 0 112)
63 (input)
64 (text "hot" (rect 0 0 17 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
65 (text "hot" (rect 21 107 38 120)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
66 (line (pt 0 112)(pt 16 112))
67 )
68 (port
69 (pt 0 128)
70 (input)
71 (text "sound_high_level" (rect 0 0 97 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
72 (text "sound_high_level" (rect 21 123 118 136)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
73 (line (pt 0 128)(pt 16 128))
74 )
75 (port
76 (pt 216 32)
77 (output)
78 (text "speed[1..0]" (rect 0 0 62 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
79 (text "speed[1..0]" (rect 133 27 195 40)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
80 (line (pt 216 32)(pt 200 32)(line_width 3))
81 )
82 (port
83 (pt 216 48)
84 (output)
85 (text "fan_auto" (rect 0 0 49 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
86 (text "fan_auto" (rect 146 43 195 56)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
87 (line (pt 216 48)(pt 200 48))
88 )
89 (port
90 (pt 216 64)
91 (output)
92 (text "alarm" (rect 0 0 31 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
93 (text "alarm" (rect 164 59 195 72)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
94 (line (pt 216 64)(pt 200 64))
95 )
96 (drawing
97 (rectangle (rect 16 16 200 144))
98 )